Creamy pumpkin and red pepper soup

1 butternut squash, halved, seeds removed
2 red peppers
1 onion, finely chopped
1/4 large red chilli seeds removed and finely chopped
1 litre/1¾ pints vegetable stock
4 cloves garlic, skinned
Freshly ground black pepper

TO serve
4 tbsp low fat Greek yoghurt
4 tbsp finely chopped chives

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Loosely wrap the butternut squash halves in foil and place on a baking sheet in the oven and roast for 40 minutes along with the red peppers.
2. Meanwhile place the onion and chilli into the liquidiser and chop finely then place into a large pan with the stock and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for ten minutes until the onion is soft.
3. Wrap the garlic cloves in foil and fifteen minutes before the end of cooking for the butternut squash and the red peppers add the garlic to the baking sheet and cook until the end.
4. Remove the skin from the peppers and halve and remove the seeds and roughly chop the flesh. Scoop out the soft flesh from the butternut squash and add to the pan with the chopped peppers, garlic cloves and plenty of ground black pepper.
5. Bring to the boil and simmer for about five minutes. Place the slightly cooled soup into the liquidizer and blend until smooth.
6. Serve with a spoonful of low fat Greek yoghurt and a sprinkling of chopped fresh chives.
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